
Simplifyprototypecreationwithreusable,shareableinteractivecomponents.Thisplaygroundisdesignedtohelpyougetstarted.,InteractivecomponentsinFigmaareagame-changerforUI/UXdesigners.Theynotonlyhelpincreatingmorerealisticanddynamicprototypesbutalsostreamline ...,Savetimeandscreensbydesigningwithinteractivecomponents.Theseallowyoutocreateprototypeinteractionsbetweenvariantsinacomponentset.Anytime ...,...

Interactive Components

Simplify prototype creation with reusable, shareable interactive components. This playground is designed to help you get started.

Interactive Components

Interactive components in Figma are a game-changer for UI/UX designers. They not only help in creating more realistic and dynamic prototypes but also streamline ...

Interactive UI components

Save time and screens by designing with interactive components. These allow you to create prototype interactions between variants in a component set. Any time ...

Create interactive components with variants

Interactive components allow you to create prototype interactions between variants in a component set. Any time you add an instance to your designs, ...

Figma更新|簡單易懂又深藏不露的Interactive components

2021年10月28日 — 可以看到上圖只有Component 之間有串接的線條,而設計稿Frame 內反而一條都沒有,想放幾個物件就有幾個,不用客氣。

Figma Interactive Components 101

2021年2月28日 — Proto Uncle,給設計師、產品經理學習製作UI Prototype 的系列分享活動。透過Figma + Framer,將腦中所構思的想法、互動操作具體呈現出來。

An Introduction To Figma Interactive Components

2021年7月7日 — Interactive Components in Figma allows designers to create a component with states (hover, active, clicked, focus) and make it interactive ...